Guardian Brain Foundation Butterfly Ball
Foundation Honors Agnes Trill Funk
Courtesy Networking Magazine © 2006, 12/7/05
Photos by Christine Conniff Sheahan
The Guardian Brain Foundation celebrated their 3rd annual Butterfly Ball at the Carltun. Father Tom Hartman, The GOD Squad and Father Thomas Hartman Parkinson’s Foundation welcomed everyone and gave a heartfelt benediction.
Spencer Shea named a new program “Celebration of Life Award” in his mother’s memory. His mom Catherine Shea lost her battle to a cancerous brain tumor. This award is given to an individual who demonstrates optimism in times of adversity, foresight and hope in times of despair and courage in times of weakness.
Mary Pallotta, founder and president of the Foundation shared the story of her brother Dennis who lost a three month battle to brain cancer and her father who died from CJD Sporadic. Each year there are over 100,000 people diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Agnes Trill Funk was honored for her dedication, support and devotion. Awards were given to Catherine Montero, development director and executive secretary and Joseph Lewy web designer and web master for the Foundation.
Jennifer Pulgrano, a brain tumor survivor helped give out the awards.